About me

Hi there, 
I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm 19, I live in Melbourne, and I love fashion. I've always used my choice in clothing to express my mood and personality, whether that means completely black, leather jacket and all or simple white pants and a sweater. Whatever I'm feeling, it comes through in my fashion. I've had a lot of inspiration from Japanese culture and various bloggers that I've followed over the years, so I guess this is my own spin on it all.
Ironically, I'm actually studying science and I love it. It's a challenge and one of the most fascinating things to learn about on a daily basis, but this blog isn't about that. It's mostly about what I wear, but I've adapted it to include travel and a few other daily life updates (like brunch. I really like to brunch).
There isn't much else to say. I come and go and my posts are rather erratic, so apologies in advance, but thanks for bothering to read this. Guess I'll see you around,