Saturday 2 May 2015

Funeral vibes anyone?

 Hello my lovelies, 
I am back with an outfit that is exclusively black. I’ve never been a fan of crowds or over populated areas, and as I’ve grown up I’ve just solidified this uncomfortable feeling that arises whenever I’m surrounded by too many people. So, in short, I dislike everyone. In reference to that, please say hello to the outfit that embodies the dark, dry humour and harshly bitter comments that have become my everyday life.

Black is flawless. It’s a deep, never ending colour that engulfs your imagination. It’s perfect layered on itself, so I often end up with a bold, single coloured outfit.
This is a midi dress from H&M with a plunging, mesh overlayed neckline. What really sold me when I tried it on though was the straps, which were crossed at the top to create a caged effect. A bit different from your average LBD. 
I also got a package in the mail last week consisting of one fabulous brand and some wickedly uncomfortable shoes. These babies are the UNIF Detention boots, and although they take some real time to break into, they are so worth it. They're quite a chunky ankle boot with a large silver buckle detail. I cannot express my love for UNIF, they can do no wrong and are the absolute fashion gods of the world. I have these cute patterned socks that my old exchange student sent from Japan for my birthday last year. The dark colours match the boots perfectly.
To top it off I'm wearing a wide brimmed black hat. It tops the outfit off just a little bit more, and hides the weird hair day I've been having. 

I know I look incredibly grumpy in these shots, I've just spent the most of the day studying chemistry and trying not to fall asleep. I feel like there's a million things I need to get done and absolutely no time to fit it all in. So posts may be sporadic and I may look totally done with life in some of the photos, and it's probably guaranteed that I'll keep channeling more insanely dark vibes. 
Until next time, 


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