Sunday 17 May 2015

Off shoulder and thigh highs

Hello my lovelies, 
The weather was surprisingly pleasant today considering how dreary it's been for the past few weeks. You know it's winter when the skies are grey and I've started to pull out the oversized sweatshirts and let my fashion slip. Rainy days give me the perfect backdrop to dream and contemplate about my life, where I want to go and who I want to be. However, today was a lot of sunshine and good vibes. I spent most of my day at work and I had more rude customers than normal which was a little dampening, but I went home early so I could go out to dinner with my family. 
Clothing-wise, I will wear anything off shoulder. They have to be my favourite style of clothing ever created. You can be feminine, sexy and elegant all in one and the low neckline allows you to layer up on the accessories. I've got a thick black choker with a 'mood jewel' attached - it supposedly changes with my mood but we all know that's a lie. 
This tropical print playsuit is one of my favourite things to wear in the summer and the lace detailing along the hem is such a sweet touch. Seeing as it's winter though, I've paired it with these beautiful suede thigh high boots I bought in Japan. The heels on these are high enough to make it a little more formal, but not high enough to wreck my feet. I get to cheat and wear dresses without stockings in these boots so you'll see me wearing these all the time in winter. 

I'm actually having the worst hair day today so it's crazy and all over the place. Apart from that, I've attached a photo of my mum down the bottom! I could write an essay on how much I love her and how the only reason why I'm working so hard is because of the values she's instilled on me, but then I think we'd be here for years. She's just the woman who knows that I don't eat oysters because my brother scarred me when I was 7, she knows I only wear sweaters if they're at least 2sizes too big and knows I'll eat anything with chocolate. She's my idol and I have so much respect for her, so I thought it might be worth a photo as a substitute for a late mother's day post. 

Anyway, I've actually lost my car keys and I need to go find them ASAP instead of procrastinating and, until next time,


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