Saturday 30 May 2015

Trying to cheat winter

Hello my lovelies,
I am profusely denying the existence of winter. Even though I love the grey skies and the smell of rain, I just can’t bring myself to rug up in jeans and a sweater. Instead, I attempt to hide my shivering beneath deceivingly thin cardigans and knee high boots that really aren’t high enough to keep anything warm.
That sentence is basically a description of this entire outfit. I’ve had this baby blue playsuit for a while but I’ve barely had a chance to wear it. The lace sleeves add a sweet touch to the look, but it also makes it a little too dressy to be worn everyday. Being a person who likes dark colours as well, I’ve also struggled to let myself be ‘pretty’ for once, instead of the fierce black outfits I normally prefer. It’s a bit of a hit and miss, if you’re not into lace and pastel colours I wouldn’t really look at it, but it’s cute for a change.
I’ve paired it with an oversized brown cardigan with cropped sleeves. As it turns out, brown is also a versatile colour and adds warmth to any outfit. I live in oversized cardigans in winter because I’m not huge on coats. I feel like they obscure too much of your outfit underneath, which can be frustrating if my outfit is made to be worn on its own. However, I feel my self control waning as it gets colder and I’m left with fewer outwear choices, so don’t be surprised if I cave and buy a coat in the next few weeks.
Shoe-wise I’ve gone for knee high black boots (I had to intergrade something black into it). These go with just about anything, but like I said they’re really not high enough to keep anything warm. If you’re tackling really cold climates, wear stockings and/or thigh high socks, or even better, buy some thigh high boots. Ever since my tan pair from Japan I’ve just loved thigh high boots, they make it so easy to get away with wearing a dress in winter.

I’m supposed to be studying in all seriousness, but I just got back from a dinner with my second family. We were missing Jarred, who’s still in Canberra, but he comes home next month so we’ll have a cute family reunion. Their friendship is the kind that will last a lifetime, and I have never doubted their loyalty or love for a single second. They keep my faith in humanity and my belief that there are trustworthy people out there because when I’m sitting there, comforted by their voices and the familiar bicker over the latest news on a DC character, I know that I belong somewhere. So shout out to my second family who are smart and nerdy and understand my blatant sarcasm, who don’t disown me for bad parallel parking and still love me when I laugh at other people’s misfortunes.  
Okay, okay I need to open a biology book now, until next time!


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